Here We (Get Ready to Go) Again!
The sirens of the south are calling, and the social media bandwagon shall roll on. Get ready for more information about SXSW 2011 here, and some great first time tips!
1. Book early; the prices do increase. (
2. Get your room through the SXSW help desk or web site. It takes a bit of playing, but it’s still your best bet.
3. Travel with a “travel buddy” if you can. If the person has been to SXSW before, that’s even better.
4. If you’re travel buddy hasn’t been there before, find a mentor to help you get through the clutter of stuff and places. This is huge.
5. Remember, these prices don’t include food. You will find some here and there, but know where the cheap eats are.
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Here are some of my updates and links for SXSW10.
It’s called South by Southwest Conferences and Festivals, written “SXSW” (like the compass point) and for the worlds of music, film and the interactive web, the big sign says it all: “The future starts here.”
There are more photos and content ahead, so bear with me. Sleep is good too, and the days are indeed long.
Recap in One Word: SoGeoLoMo
How can you recap several parties a night with more than 900 sessions over five days with outstanding conversations in between?
Well, I try in my Media Bullseye article and broke it down to one word (and naturally, I had to make it up): SoGeoLoMo.
Did the CEO of Twitter address thousands of his strongest users and say nearly nothing. In an epic PR fail, that appeared to be the case.
Good thing there was some good stuff too!
Check out more in my MediaBullseye column.
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My favorite quote so far has Pepsi all over it.
In a conversation with the Global Director of Social Media for Pepsico, Bonin Bough shared advice to businesses of all sizes with regard to social media. Remember, this is the guy who was responsible for making the social media program work when Pepsi didn’t advertise on the Super Bowl – and did it.
“There’re a lot of smart people out there. Read. Get familiar with the approaches and get your head in the right place, it’s not necessarily tactics and tools.”
At Pepsico they talk about the shift from web impressions to connections.
Read the full piece for today on my MediaBullseye column.
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I’ll be covering South by SouthWest or SXSW from Austin; read the details here:
Did the CEO of Twitter address thousands of his strongest users and say nearly nothing. In an epic PR fail, that appeared