Building Future of Work Skills
13 years ago, Sir Ken Robinson, British author, speaker and international adviser on education in the arts to government, famously said in a TED talk, “Nobody has a clue … what the world will look like in five years’ time. And yet, we’re meant to be educating [our...
Tonight I Saw AI Debate a Human
Today (February 11, 2019) at IBM Think in San Francisco, the evening led off with IBM’s Project Debater, an AI powered debating solution facing off with Harish Natarajan. Not just any carbon-based human, Mr. Natarajan is the World Debating Championship Grand...
A Year Without Blogging: What Happened
It’s been about a year since my last blog. I feel I owe you an explanation, especially since I suggest that many of you blog. First, I do write. This year, as Research Director for IDC, much of the analysis I write now sits where corporate subscribers can get to...Protected: Playlist Embed Test
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