by Wayne Kurtzman | Jun 2, 2009 | Content, eCommerce, education, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Marketing, Social Media, Web 2.0
What if Google were to reinvent e-mail as if it were invented today? They did. Google Wave Developer Preview presentation fired up the crowd at the Day 2 Keynote of Google I/O. Read how Google Wave will change EVERYTHING from education to how business and families...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Apr 23, 2009 | Analytics, Content, Knowledge Management, Social Media
Advice is what you seek when you know the right thing to do, but don’t want to do it. What happens when you don’t know the right thing to do? That is what is facing businesses today, and it all boils down to massive content, evolving cultures and the need...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Mar 12, 2009 | Content, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Marketing, Social Media
Thanks to Leslie (@geechee_girl) of Uptown Uncorked who did so much to make the first Social Media Breakfast New Hampshire (SMBNH) event so massively successful! With some fresh snow on the ground, we had a beautiful day to hold the event at Southern New Hampshire...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Feb 22, 2009 | eCommerce, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Social Media
This presentation, given by Wayne Kurtzman at the first meeting of the Social Media Breakfast of New Hampshire (#SMBNH) looks at the threads that connect the earliest economy to the emerging Knowledge Economy. The thread that connects them all are content and...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Oct 27, 2008 | Content, Innovation, Knowledge Management, Social Media, Web 2.0
The banking and security industries may be able to take a lesson from social media users. Determining your trust management network before you need it could help mitigate major problems. I look at the emerging landscape and recall lessons of the Intel’s former...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Oct 10, 2008 | Content, Knowledge Management
If content is King, why are so many people playing hide and seek with the King? And where is King Content heading in the royal business place? For many, the answers are just a royal pain to deal with. “A lot of business content has been created, and nobody knows...