by Wayne Kurtzman | Mar 18, 2014 | Geolocation, Social Media, SxSW
One of the great parts about SXSW are the great conversations, like this one with Brian Solis in the PayPal Social Media Lounge. Connected consumers pose challenges and opportunities to businesses. Most of the business expertise we have individually hasn’t...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Mar 8, 2014 | mobile, Social Media, SxSW
About seven years ago, a little booth in the trade show of the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference and Festival was manned by people from the startup called Twitter. The disruption that followed helped democratize the web and essentially gave everyone a platform to...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Feb 16, 2014 | featured, NFC, Social Media, SxSW
The South by Southwest Conference and Festivals, or SXSW – or, to the veterans, “South-by” is where the tech-set come to let their “Geek flag fly.” It’s where early adopters come to stay early adopters and learn what they need to...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Aug 27, 2013 | Content, eCommerce, Feature, featured, LBS Location Based Service, Marketing, mcommerce, mobile, Social Media
AllFacebook reported (via Mashable) that Facebook will launch shared photo albums within the next few days. You and your friends can share your favorite event photos to the same album, which will increase the number of measured interactions into the Facebook Social...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Jan 23, 2013 | Marketing, Social Media, SxSW
The South by Southwest (SxSW) Conference and Festival is where you can let your geek flag proudly fly. It makes no difference if you are the New Geek on the Block or if you know what is happening in tech before Mashable writes the story; SxSW IS where the now and...
by Wayne Kurtzman | Dec 29, 2012 | gamification, Geolocation, LBS Location Based Service, Marketing, mobile, Review, Social Media
“Watch out! Accident ahead!” I just turned on Waze, the crowd-sourcing / navigation traffic app and I instantly found out what cause of a backup on a local road. Not a bad way to revisit the app that I first reviewed just over two years ago. The app has...