There’s No Crying in Content

Few things have frustrated me since the Internet’s mainstream age as how people undervalue the importance of content. Writing the piece was a bit more challenging than some, but it came down to two elements: 1. Everyone thinks they can write good content. 2....

Everything Is Still Local (Or 3 Burritos to the Wind)

Your web searches go through the cloud to the behemoth Google. Facebook lets us cross the years and miles with ease.  If we have a tough question, we can use any social network to reach out to a subject matter expert around the world. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember...

PodCamp NH 2010

Nearly 100 people attended the second unconference, PodCamp New Hampshire (PCNH) held at the Portsmouth Harbor Events Center in Portsmouth NH. (Related: What a PodCamp? ) If you attended my session on growing ears (to measure the voices of social media) and how to...

Going to PodCamp?

If you every wonder why should go to PodCamp, I answered than in an earlier post. Now that the decision is made, here are a few things to make your life easier: 1. Bringing a notebook? Bring a power strip. Most buildings were developed in the technological dark ages...